The word "music" doesn't really cover everything people can expect when seeing you perform live. Can you describe your performance style?

My recordings and the live shows are two very different things.  I always need to make this distinction.  My performance style is an extension of my cultivated personal reality.  I'm bringing you (the audience) into my head space.  It's therapy for me, a cathartic release of emotion and a mutual "sharing" of feelings.  Part monologue, part stand up comedy, and just a running real time list of the thoughts going on in my head while performing the "tunes"....rock & roll as ritual cleansing/an invocation of the holy's all pretty low brow/an excuse for me to meet ladies.

What inspires you on a daily basis?

Man this is a tough one...I'm tempted to say anything and everything but I'll get more specific.  What inspires me daily really depends on where I'm at in life but there's always a sense of underlying anxiety, dread, neuroses, depression and paranoia.  For sure there is a constant desire for love and how to maintain that.  I'm a loner but I'm resistant to truly being alone.  There is also just the banal day to day stuff like answering emails or going to the bodega to get a cheese sandwich.  I watch a lot of horror movies, and read a lot, and I have a very hyperactive imagination.  I have a definite propensity towards the maudlin.  A recent string of heart break has greatly contributed  to a glut of new material in the works now.  The desire to keep creating keeps me sane, if I neglected it, I wouldn't be here.
You're super prolific. So what's next for Painted Faces?
This is the easiest question to answer.
Right now I'm gearing up for Weirdwick Festival at the Glove and Bo Grove (aka Madison Square Garden or Emoji House) on September 22 and 23.  In November, I'm ripping a show with Harry Cloud in LA.  I'm planning my first European tour with Bob Bucko Jr for May of 2019.  Keeping the Skinny Apartment afloat and rocking in the freak world.
Upcoming Releases:
1. Dead River Company Debut Tape on Tall Tapes (my duo with homie Ryan Kayhart, "noise")
2.  Painted Faces Live in Detroit Tape on Tall Tapes (culled from a 2015 show while on tour with Alien Trilogy)
3. Living And Eating Pizza In New York City Tape on Null Zone (weirdo sound collage/"noise")
4. Tales From the Skinny Apartment LP on ESP-Disk (my second LP and probably 20th or so album release, long ago have lost count, really stoked on this one as ESP is totally legendary, coming out in spring 2019)
A ton of new work in progress as always, perhaps a reissue or 2 as well, as referenced earlier, constantly multiple steps ahead, all of these upcoming releases have long been done and in the can....


Catch Painted Faces throw down another legendary and undiagnosed performance at the Indicate Interest showcase on Wed Oct 3 at Cobra Club!