INTERVIEW - Jak Blk (Winterwolf)


You have some crazy song titles. How do you come up with them?
Well, Joe (the drummer) is always sending me weird names, song titles and ideas. And sometimes, they stick, so songs like Dead Body Fuck Party and I Found A Body are directly from him. 
I hear the title and it inspires me.
What inspired yall to come together and start making music?
We're in a band before this, that we both got fired from.
What's next for Winterwolf?
Next up, we want to hit the studio for another EP. Hopefully we'll get the chance after we finish this current run of shows. We have plenty of content and surprises planned so keep an eye out for us!
Catch Winterwolf  at the Indicate Interest showcase on Mon 7/23 at Secret Project Robot in Brooklyn!