VIDEO REVIEW: Onesie - "Unsolved Miseries"


“It was the great pandemic of 2020,”, you’ll tell your grandchildren. “When everyone stayed inside and burnt out their Netflix queues.”

“Is that why we have to wear masks all the time?”

“Yes, Tigon.” (Your grandson is named Tigon.) “But it wasn’t all bad. Some buzz worthy bands were forced to do nothing but crank out the hits.”

“Oh wow! Is that why Onesie is so famous?”

“Yes son…”

And you’ll continue, to tell the story of Shred Citys Quarantine Comp, where Onesie’s “Unsolved Miseries” was born. Right from the start, the guitars wash over you. Then the slackery vocals hit, and it might as well be ’94. You’re in middle school again, finding out about all those great bands like Dinosaur Jr. and Pavement. And you’re drawing G.I. Joes, pages and pages of dudes with machine guns for arms. Except mine were better. Because he flew around in this giant guitar, which was also a gun. Could anything be more badass?


Download the Shred City Quarantine Comp here:

(All proceeds go to charity)