VIDEO REVIEW: Hinds "British Mind"


Ok. We already know that Hinds is THE BEST BAND IN THE WORLD.

But what's up with their new video, "British Mind"? It's a cinematic masterpiece, that's what.

Hinds is stranded in the desert because their car broke down. It looks like their tour is over?

Now somehow the car is moving again, powered solely by Hinds's cuteness.

Is this a video or a car commercial?

Ade is smoking. What a badass.

Carlotta holds up a chess and checkers set. The symbolism is reaching Kubrick-level. The music industry is just a game yall.

The bassline at the start of the chorus is so sick. Ade is the secret weapon.

Is this a video or a TOMMY ad?

Ana attacks Carlotta with a green hand, referencing the 1952 film "The Green Glove", starring Glenn Ford.

Is she saying Carlotta is a Nazi?

Ade is smoking again. Yes, she is a badass. Remember when she kissed Carlotta at Warsaw?

That was the hottest thing ever.

Carlotta wears a Marc Marquez hat. The 9 of course represents September and the 3 is the Twin Towers and WTC 7.


Hinds decides to sell all their gear to pay for a van for the rest of their tour.

There they are. The best band in the world.

Hinds decides to go EDM and leaves Amber behind.

Look at all the cash Hinds got from Spotify