1) You recently played the SXSW festival. What was that experience like?
SXSW was an experience that I’ll never forget. We played a few unofficial Showcases and we got to share the stage with a few of my personal favorite bands like Kississippi,
awakebutstillinbed, Dogleg, etc. Getting to see all of your friends from all over the country that you met through Music in one place at the same time was so much fun! I got to learn so much and
it was slightly overwhelming how much information there was to absorb. I already have big ideas for next year!
2) You're from Montclair, New Jersey. What was it like coming up in that scene?
Luckily for us, Montclair has a great music and arts community. The DIY scene is solid thanks to venues like The Meatlocker. Some fantastic bands have come from Montclair like Half
Waif and Forth Wanderers so we have some big footsteps to follow in!
3) All of your merch supports the non-profit organization No More Dysphoria. What kind of responses do you get at shows?
People seem to be really into the idea of it at our shows! I am honestly having a hard time selling through our NMD merch inventory and I am trying to digest this thoroughly and
figure out what I can be doing better to generate sales and interest!
Catch Hit Like A Girl jammin on stage and raising awareness when they play the Indicate Interest showcase Sun April 8th at Alphaville!